Author: VX

Patch Download Link:
The game is about 90% translated, this is the patch ONLY as the ROM is copyrighted and I will NOT distribute're on your own to find it so don't ask me!
1. Patch History
2. About Ultra Baseball Jitsumeiban
3. Controls
4. Issues
5. Remaining
6. Translation Notes
7. Thanks
1. Patch History
v0.50 - 02/05/2008
-First public patch.
-English Fonts have been replaced.
-Most Menus and Kana have been translated.
-Some Kanji has been translated.
2. Ultra Baseball Jitsumeiban
"This is the ultimate baseball game! Precise pitching, bulls-eye batting, and
Awesome fielding! It's all under your control with simpler yet more
sophisticated operation. With loads of features, you'll be an All Star! It is
the ultimate baseball simulation you've dreamed of."
Ultra Baseball Jitsumeiban (or Real Names Version) is the third game released in
the Ultra Baseball Series. The first two games were released in the US under the
titles of "Baseball Simulator 1,000".
The Baseball games are unique as they allow players to fully edit and automate
entire leagues and seasons. Additionally it's the optional "super power"
Ultra League that gives players the unique ability to some very
wacky baseball!
-Ultra Baseball: released in 1989 for the NES as "Baseball Simulator 1,000".
-Super Ultra Baseball: released in 1991 for the SNES as "Super Baseball Simulator 1,000".
-Ultra Baseball Jitsumeiban: released in 1992 for the SNES in Japan only. This is
basically Super Ultra Baseball w/ real names (Jitsumeiban means Real Names Version).
The graphics and sound are slightly better, and there is a new pennant option but
this obviously uses the same engine.
-Super Ultra Baseball 2: released in 1994 for the SNES in Japan only. Culture Brain
planned to release this title as "Super Baseball Simulator 1,000 2" but canceled shortly
after. This game uses a new engine and sports more features - yes this project is in the
works too!
3. Controls
KEY representation for each button:
Y = Y button (pink)
X = X button (pink)
B = B button (dark purple)
A = A button (dark purple)
L = L button (gray, top left)
R = R button (gray, top right)
Control Pad = directional pad (black)
START = start button (black))
SELECT = select button (black)
/Menu Controls/
START - advances through most menus
A - confirms selection
B - rejects selection
Control Pad - navigates through menus
START - calls time
X - picks power up (if available)
A - swings bat
Y - tells runner (on base) to steal
Control Pad - moves batter in box, affects where bat hits ball
START - calls time
X - picks power up (if available)
A - tosses pitch
Y - pitcher steps off rubber, pick off move
Control Pad - moves pitcher on white rubber (horizontally)
- also affects velocity, stamina used per pitch, and direction
4. Issues
-Some text is cut short or abbreviated due to space restrictions.
-Some menus are not translated due to not being able to find the text (i.e. they
maybe compressed).
-Some Kanji is not translated due to shared uses of the text.
5. Remaining
-Title Screen Translation.
-Season Config Menu.
-Pennant Screen Text.
-Season save menu at the end of the game.
-Some various Kanji.
6. Translation Notes
Jitsumeiban as the title suggests is the "Real Player Version" thus this game used
real players from NPB. It would have been too time consuming to have romanized
players names and anyone who actually cares about the real players would more then
likely speak Japanese and not have a need for this patch.
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